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CIMA F1 - Financial Reporting
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Principles Versus Rules Based (21:13)
Introduction to Working Capital Investment (19:14)
Cash Operating Cycle (17:27)
0. Introduction (9:19)
3. Regulatory System (31:10)
4. Other Influences on Financial Reporting (7:58)
5. Standard Setting Process (7:06)
6. CGMA Code of Ethics. Principles of Ethics and Threats to Principles (24:26)
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Quiz - Regulatory Framework
1. The Conceptual Framework - Part 1 (19:35)
2. Conceptual Framework - Scope (14:22)
3. Conceptual Framework - Qualitative Characteristics of Fin Info (11:27)
4. Conceptual Framework - Elements of Accounting (01:05:35)
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Quiz - Conceptual Framework
1. Recognition and Initial Measurement (44:04)
2. Subsequent Measurement (18:24)
3. Revaluations and Disposals (37:29)
4. Introduction to Intangible Assets (19:23)
5. Treatment of Research and Development Cost (19:06)
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Quiz - Non current assets
1. Introduction (3:45)
2. IAS 17 and Off Balance Sheet Financing (18:24)
3. Sale and Lease Back Overview (04;21)
4. Overview of IFRS 16 (22:15)
5. Short Term Lease Exception (04:26)
6. Imapct on Lessee Accounting (05:52)
7. Measuring Lease Liability and Right of Use Asset (14:42)
9. Re-measurement of Lease Liability (18:11)
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Quiz - Leases
1. IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets Lecture (33:20)
2. IAS 36 - Imapairment of Assets - Impairment Indicators (41:03)
3. IAS 36 - Reversal of Impairment (15:47)
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Quiz - Other accounting standards
Untitled Lesson
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Quiz - Presentation of published financial statements
1. Introduction to Statement of Cash Flow (09:47)
2. Structure of Cash Flow Statement (14:23)
3. Statement of Cash Flow - Direct Method (13:28)
4. Statement of Cash Flow - Indirect Method (13:56)
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1. Introduction to Tax System (17:22)
2. Definitions and Terminologies (20:15)
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Quiz - General principles of taxation
1. Introduction to Direct Tax (25:13)
2. Calculating the Taxable Profit (15:00)
3. Capital Gain Tax, Capital Losses and Trading Losses (27:33)
4. Corporate Tax and Personal tax Interaction (7:21)
5. Employee Taxation (13:11)
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Quiz - Direct taxation
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1. Introduction to Working Capital Investment (19:14)
2. Cash Operating Cycle (17:27)
3. Cash Operating Cycle and The Financial Ratios (25:52)
4. Over Trading versus Over Capitalization (33:45)
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Quiz - Working capital and the operating cycle
1. Managing Inventories - Economic Order Quantity (39:56)
2. Order Quantity With Bulk Discount (23:32)
3. ROL - Re Order Level and Buffer Inventory (21:17)
4. Introduction to Receivables Management (14:34)
5. Calculating Cost of Discount on Receivables and Payables (30:17)
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Quiz - Receivables payables and inventory
1. Introduction to Cash Flow and Working Capital Management (20:34)
2. Forecasting Cash Flow (28:21)
3. Cash Flow Forecasting and Uncertainties (28:12)
4. Treasury Management (13:12)
5. Cash Management Baumol Model (12:26)
6. Cash Management Miller Orr Model (16:33)
Quiz - Managing Cash
Free Previews
Principles Versus Rules Based (21:13)
Introduction to Working Capital Investment (19:14)
Cash Operating Cycle (17:27)
Chapter 1 - Regulatory Environment and Corporate Governance
0. Introduction (9:19)
3. Regulatory System (31:10)
4. Other Influences on Financial Reporting (7:58)
5. Standard Setting Process (7:06)
6. CGMA Code of Ethics. Principles of Ethics and Threats to Principles (24:26)
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Quiz - Regulatory Framework
Chapter 2 - The Conceptual Framework
1. The Conceptual Framework - Part 1 (19:35)
2. Conceptual Framework - Scope (14:22)
3. Conceptual Framework - Qualitative Characteristics of Fin Info (11:27)
4. Conceptual Framework - Elements of Accounting (01:05:35)
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Quiz - Conceptual Framework
Chapter 3 - Non Current Assets
1. Recognition and Initial Measurement (44:04)
2. Subsequent Measurement (18:24)
3. Revaluations and Disposals (37:29)
4. Introduction to Intangible Assets (19:23)
5. Treatment of Research and Development Cost (19:06)
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Quiz - Non current assets
Chapter 4 - Leases
1. Introduction (3:45)
2. IAS 17 and Off Balance Sheet Financing (18:24)
3. Sale and Lease Back Overview (04;21)
4. Overview of IFRS 16 (22:15)
5. Short Term Lease Exception (04:26)
6. Imapct on Lessee Accounting (05:52)
7. Measuring Lease Liability and Right of Use Asset (14:42)
9. Re-measurement of Lease Liability (18:11)
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Quiz - Leases
Chapter 5 - Other Accounting Standards
1. IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets Lecture (33:20)
2. IAS 36 - Imapairment of Assets - Impairment Indicators (41:03)
3. IAS 36 - Reversal of Impairment (15:47)
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Quiz - Other accounting standards
Chapter 6 - Presentation of Published Financial Statements
Untitled Lesson
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Quiz - Presentation of published financial statements
Chapter 7 - Statement of Cash Flows
1. Introduction to Statement of Cash Flow (09:47)
2. Structure of Cash Flow Statement (14:23)
3. Statement of Cash Flow - Direct Method (13:28)
4. Statement of Cash Flow - Indirect Method (13:56)
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Chapter 8 - General Principles of Taxation
1. Introduction to Tax System (17:22)
2. Definitions and Terminologies (20:15)
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Quiz - General principles of taxation
Chapter 9 - Direct Taxation
1. Introduction to Direct Tax (25:13)
2. Calculating the Taxable Profit (15:00)
3. Capital Gain Tax, Capital Losses and Trading Losses (27:33)
4. Corporate Tax and Personal tax Interaction (7:21)
5. Employee Taxation (13:11)
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Quiz - Direct taxation
Chapter 10 - Indirect and International Taxation
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Chapter 11 - Working capital and the operating cycle
1. Introduction to Working Capital Investment (19:14)
2. Cash Operating Cycle (17:27)
3. Cash Operating Cycle and The Financial Ratios (25:52)
4. Over Trading versus Over Capitalization (33:45)
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Quiz - Working capital and the operating cycle
Chapter 12 - Receivables, Payables and Inventory
1. Managing Inventories - Economic Order Quantity (39:56)
2. Order Quantity With Bulk Discount (23:32)
3. ROL - Re Order Level and Buffer Inventory (21:17)
4. Introduction to Receivables Management (14:34)
5. Calculating Cost of Discount on Receivables and Payables (30:17)
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Quiz - Receivables payables and inventory
Chapter 13 - Managing cash
1. Introduction to Cash Flow and Working Capital Management (20:34)
2. Forecasting Cash Flow (28:21)
3. Cash Flow Forecasting and Uncertainties (28:12)
4. Treasury Management (13:12)
5. Cash Management Baumol Model (12:26)
6. Cash Management Miller Orr Model (16:33)
Quiz - Managing Cash
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